Winter is Spring’s Waiting Room


I’m usually not a lotion person. I like the way it smells and I like the way my skin feels after I finally use it, but the sad fact is that most bottles of lotion I have purchased in my lifetime have never been used up by the end of their shelf life. Most days, I don’t take that extra minute to apply this little dose of TLC that my body sometimes needs.

This lotion though, is serving a purpose greater than merely moisturizing my skin. It is part of what the mental health community calls “a self care routine.” That is a term I have become very familiar with the last two years (since I resigned from my job to improve my overall wellbeing and most importantly my mental health). You can read about that here.

Who knew something so simple being an intentional part of self care could help not only my body, but also my mind!  Two nights of showering and applying this lotion before bed made me want to blog! Something I haven’t done in four months!  So obviously it reawakened some hibernating part of my consciousness, right?

Of course, on some days self care is easier than others.  On good days, it’s a reflex.  On symptom-filled days it’s like walking through deep mud uphill.  On terrible days it seems impossible.  Those days my husband says, “Why don’t you take a shower? You always feel better after a shower.” I resist and negotiate that I will shower if he will come sit in the bathroom and talk to me while I’m showering…who knew as a grown woman with a Master’s degree in developmental psychology I would need moral support to take a shower…

That’s the nature of the beast that is any chronic illness…especially the invisible ones.  If I had a visible physical disability, most people would understand that I would need assistance taking care of certain personal care routines, especially on “bad” days.  When ones has an invisible illness it’s harder to explain to others the husband-sitting-outside-the-shower-for-moral-support thing…unless they have lived it.

We must all remember on days when self care seems impossible that there is beauty in living life.  Everyday life.  Good days, symptom-filled days, and terrible days.  I need to type these words right now as a reminder to myself as well!

…and in months like January I have to remind myself that the beauty of the earth will return with spring green and flowers just like the ones on this lotion bottle. Until then, I will focus on beauty that is present in the wild birds at my backyard feeder and in the friends, family, and even strangers who surround me.

It’s not easy many days to do these things (shower, eat healthy foods, drink water, be grateful, be kind), but it’s possible when I focus on small starts like using my favorite lotion.

Happy New Year and Hearts & Flowers!

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